The purpose of this blog

The intention of the blog is to bring together those that believe in God the Eternal Father and His Son Jesus Christ. It is a place to share our personal experiences and feelings to ultimately testify that He is real, that He is aware of each of us and ever watchful in the details of our lives.

Monday, September 17, 2012

How Tara Knows

As I have pondered about what I should write, I have had many experiences come to mind.  So many in fact, that I have had a hard time knowing which one I should share with you all.  Many of my experiences revolve around the scriptures and the words being a direct answer to the question or problem I was having in that moment.  Other experiences involve other means of communication, all of which I hold very dear and near to my heart. Some minuscule and some monumental, but all extremely personal and powerful.  Thus I ask you to please read them respectfully. 

I remember the first time I received a very direct answer from the words of the scriptures.  During the summer of 2000 I was home from college, in Nebraska, on my bed yearning to go back to the college world.  I missed my friends and I missed the college life, but I felt that I was needed at home.  As I sat there lost in my thoughts, I recalled a professor of religion telling me that if I sincerely prayed for an answer and opened up my scriptures that the Lord would answer me.  So I prayed.  I prayed that I would find the direction I needed.  Then I randomly opened up my scriptures and the first thing I read said, tarry for a little season.  My feeling of surprise and shock was quickly replaced by an immediate feeling of the spirit confirming that I was to stay a little longer.  So I did.  Little did I know then it would be the last summer I was going to have at home as the very next Spring I was engaged and the following summer married.  I believe my Heavenly Father knew that not only my Mother needed me to be there, but that I needed to be there to savor those last moment's of childhood.

Fast forward several years.  I had a little boy who was almost about 13 months old with extremely blond hair and bright blue eyes.   We had just moved to a new city, we didn't know a soul and my husband had just started a very stressful, first, full-time professional accounting job.  We went from having him gone for a few hours at a time in class at school to gone long, very long hours.  Needless to say I was lonely. I was dealing with emotions that were new for me and I was struggling.  I found myself very sad and crying a lot.  Finally, after some time passed I remember kneeling down by my bed and asking Heavenly Father for some comfort, asking him to help me feel the love that I needed to feel at that time.  In the next few seconds as I continued to kneel I felt an overwhelming feeling of love and then distinctly felt two hands on the back of my shoulders.  I knew someone was there and I knew it was a woman, but yet as I turned my head I saw no one.  I felt an immense love from her and somehow I knew I would meet her someday.  About two months later I found out I was pregnant.  The very moment the ultrasound technician said, "well, it's a girl!" I knew it was that amazing woman who visited me. 

I call these LTM's, "Little Tender Moments."  They are numerous and they are always without question messages from a Loving God who is real and who cares about me and my individual needs.  I am eternally grateful for a loving God who is ever watchful and ever mindful.