Keeping up with schedules of five school children and three
pre-schoolers always proved challenging. However, in this particiular
week, it seemed the unexpected was even more prevalent than usual.
Emergency trips to the Doctor; helping with school assignments; soothing hurt
knees and hurt feelings; cleaning up messier than normal messes; many important
not-to-be-ignored telephone calls; my much valued helpmate being called
by his work to be away from home for the entire week..............these were a
few of the barriers that delayed my preparations to be able to teach a
spiritual class in our church women's group, called Relief Society.
When the morning of that day arrived, I was panicked, and
wondered if I should even go teach because I was so unprepared. As I
knelt to pray before getting dressed for the meeting, I pleaded with my
Heavenly Father to help me teach this very important lesson, which was on
forgiveness. I told Him that I really had wanted to study and prepare for
it, but that I felt I had nothing to offer these ladies since I hadn't been
able to hardly even look at the scriptures and other materials available to me.
A great peaceful relief came over me, and I knew that it would
be OK. Even though I had no idea HOW it could be OK, I had learned by
then that I could trust in that peace which signified to me that my prayer had
been heard.
By the time I had walked up to the podium to begin my lesson, my
faith began to waver somewhat, as I had not had one idea or inspiration as to
how to even introduce this subject!
For some reason, I felt the prompting to begin by asking
questions....I don't remember exactly what they were, but as a result of one of
those questions, one lady raised her hand and said, "You know, there is
such a fine line between love and hate." Miraculously, with only a
split second of hesitation, my mouth opened and thoughts/words came
forth. The words I heard were obviously not MY words or MY
thoughts! I had heard this idea before, but never given it any
thought. Until that moment, I had not considered this subject!
I listened carefully to the words, though, because I knew they
were truth. My first unexpected comment was "Satan would like for us
to believe that, because it is HIS doctrine rather than true
doctrine." I continued the comments for about 2 minutes, I
believe. I began to have the thought, "What on earth am I going to
say or do when this is over?"
I do not remember what the answer to that question was, but I do
remember that the whole lesson went so well, and that the revelation we
had each heard sparked much good participation. I had only been home for
about half an hour after church that day when I got a phone call. It was
a sister that I did not know, who was visiting that day in my class. She
was crying. She said over and over, "Thank you, thank
you. What you said today gave me some perfect answers to my
prayers. I needed so badly to hear that about hate and love. I
can't tell you the relief and peace I have now."
I never saw that lady again. But I knew the words given to
me that morning were especially for her......and for me. The concept I
learned that day has served me so well in many, many times in my life. I
know that my Heavenly Father wanted me to know about that, and looking back on events
in my life since then, I know that He lovingly prepared me for those times, as
well as answering this sister's prayers.